DateDownload FormatTitleScriptureSpeaker
2022-06-19MP3  The Attributes of God: PatienceExodus 34:6Bruce Chick
2022-06-12MP3  Attributes of God Series, The Immutability of GodPsalm 102:25-28Spencer Vaughn
2022-06-05MP3  The Attributes of God: AseityActs 17:24-15Bruce Chick
2022-05-29MP3  A Resting LifeMatthew 11:25-30Bruce Chick
2022-05-22MP3  Paradise LostMatthew 11:20-24Bruce Chick
2022-05-15MP3  Colliding ExpectationsMatthew 11:1-19Bruce Chick
2022-05-08MP3  Certainy of RewardMatthew 10:40-42Bruce Chick
2022-05-01MP3  Choose WellMatthew 10:26-39Bruce Chick
2022-04-24MP3  Expect It!Matthew 10:16-25Bruce Chick
2022-04-17MP3  Even Me?Mark 16:1-7Bruce Chick
2022-04-10MP3  God's WayMatthew 9:35-10:15Bruce Chick
2022-04-03MP3  Desperate Measures of FaithMatthew 9:18-34Colin Campbell
2022-03-27MP3  Heart RevelationMatthew 9:9-17Bruce Chick
2022-03-20MP3  There is No ONE like HimMatthew 8:23 - 9:8Bruce Chick
2022-03-13MP3  Over/Under - Are YOU Sure?Matthew 8:18-22Bruce Chick
2022-03-06MP3  When the Unexpected Comes Mickey Connolly
2022-02-27MP3PDFDOCXPsalm 123Psalm 123Spencer Vaughn
2022-02-20MP3  Faith that SalutesMatthew 8:5-17Bruce Chick
2022-02-13MP3  Yours, TrulyMatthew 8:1-4Bruce Chick
2022-02-06MP3  Kingdom WarningsMatthew 7:13-29Bruce Chick
2022-01-30MP3  The Knowing TestMatthew 7:7-11Bruce Chick
2022-01-23MP3  Inside OutMatthew 7:1-6Bruce Chick
2022-01-09MP3  The Fruitful LifeMatthew 6:25-34Bruce Chick
2022-01-02MP3  Never DyingMatthew 6:19-24Bruce Chick
2021-12-26MP3  Kingdom PrayersMatthew 6:9-15Colin Campbell
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