DateDownload FormatTitleScriptureSpeaker
2021-04-18MP3  Courage to be Different1 Thessalonians 4:1-8Bruce Chick
2021-04-11MP3PDFDOCXA Lifestyle of Love1 Thessalonians 3:11-13Spencer Vaughn
2021-04-04MP3  A Near MissJohn 20:24-31Bruce Chick
2021-03-28MP3  Standing Fast in the Midst of Suffering1 Thessalonians 2:14-3:10Bruce Chick
2021-03-21MP3  It Never Gets Old1 Thessalonians 2:13Bruce Chick
2021-03-14MP3  Living Unshaken In A Shaky WorldRomans 8Mickey Connolly
2021-03-07MP3  Not Just for Ourlseves1 Thessalonians 2:1-12Bruce Chick
2021-02-28MP3  Real Impact1 Thessalonians 1:5-10Bruce Chick
2021-02-21MP3  Grateful to be a Part1 Thessolonians 1:1-5Bruce Chick
2021-02-14MP3  God's Remedy: Fellowship1 John 1:1-4Bruce Chick
2021-01-24MP3  UnhinderedActs 28:31Bruce Chick
2021-01-17MP3  Do What You Can'tJoshua 24:15-33Bruce Chick
2021-01-10MP3  Your Choice MattersJoshua 24Bruce Chick
2021-01-03MP3  From Joshua to 2021Joshua 23Bruce Chick
2020-12-24MP3  It is Not Meant to be this Way Bruce Chick
2020-12-20MP3  Altar of WitnessJoshua 22Bruce Chick
2020-12-13MP3  This is what You GetJoshua 15-21Bruce Chick
2020-12-06MP3PDFDOCXFreed For ServiceGalatians 5:13Chris Uliana
2020-11-29MP3PDF Freed From SlaveryGalatians 5:1Chris Uliana
2020-11-22MP3  Walking Out Our InheritanceJoshua 12-14Bruce Chick
2020-11-15MP3  Joshua Ethics Part III: Genocide in the Promised Land? Bruce Chick
2020-11-08MP3  Victory Up NorthJoshua 11:1-23Bruce Chick
2020-11-01MP3  Eternal Citizens at the BoothPhilippians 3:20Bruce Chick
2020-10-25MP3  Southern TriumphsJoshua 10Bruce Chick
2020-10-18MP3  A Mixed CongregationJoshua 9Bruce Chick
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