DateDownload FormatTitleScriptureSpeaker
2020-11-15MP3  Joshua Ethics Part III: Genocide in the Promised Land? Bruce Chick
2020-11-08MP3  Victory Up NorthJoshua 11:1-23Bruce Chick
2020-11-01MP3  Eternal Citizens at the BoothPhilippians 3:20Bruce Chick
2020-10-25MP3  Southern TriumphsJoshua 10Bruce Chick
2020-10-18MP3  A Mixed CongregationJoshua 9Bruce Chick
2020-10-11MP3PDFDOCXChoose Your MountainJoshua 8:30-35Colin Campbell
2020-10-04MP3PDFDOCXFrom Tragedy to TriumphJoshua 7 - 8:29Spencer Vaughn
2020-09-27MP3  Joshua Ethics: Part II - Why Does God Punish Groups for an Individual’s Sins?Joshua 7Bruce Chick
2020-09-20MP3  Holiness RestoredJoshua 7Bruce Chick
2020-09-13MP3  Raising FaithJoshua 6Bruce Chick
2020-09-06MP3  Same God, Different ResponseJoshua 5:1-15Bruce Chick
2020-08-30MP3  Watch and RememberJoshua 3 & 4Bruce Chick
2020-08-23MP3  Ethics in Joshua Part I: Lying?Joshua 2:1-5Bruce Chick
2020-08-16MP3  Rahab & Land AssuranceJoshua 2:1-24Bruce Chick
2020-08-09MP3  Go Time: A Time of ActionJoshua 1:9Bruce Chick
2020-08-02MP3  3 ‘Its’ & A PromiseJoshua 1Bruce Chick
2020-07-26MP3  SGCC Ten Values: “Apply”Matthew 21:28-32Bruce Chick
2020-07-19MP3  Abiding Through Community Bruce Chick
2020-07-12MP3  SGCC 10 Values: AbideMark 12:28-34Bruce Chick
2020-07-05MP3  SGCC 10 Values: FellowshipActs 2:42Bruce Chick
2020-06-28MP3  Jehoiachin - Hope for Dopes2 Kings 25:27-30Bruce Chick
2020-06-21MP3  A Spiritual Understanding of RacismEphesians 1-6Bruce Chick
2020-06-14MP3  The Racial EqualizerEphesians 2:11-18Colin Campbell
2020-06-07MP3  Josiah: Judgment Delayed2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35Bruce Chick
2020-05-31MP3  Manasseh: Not My Father's Son2 Kings 21; 2 Chronicles 33Bruce Chick
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