DateDownload FormatTitleScriptureSpeaker
2013-08-25MP3  The Holy Spirit and ProphecyPart 2Bruce Chick
2013-08-18MP3  The Holy Spirit and ProphecyPart 1Bruce Chick
2013-08-11MP3  The Only Way to Stay HealthyColssians 1 & 2Bruce Chick
2013-08-04MP3  God's Empowering Presence (Part 2)Acts 1:8Spencer Vaughn
2013-07-28MP3  God's Empowering PresenceActs 1:3-8Spencer Vaughn
2013-07-21MP3  Continuing FireGalatians 3:5Bruce Chick
2013-07-14MP3  Another Helped!John 14:16-17Spencer Vaughn
2013-07-07MP3  Relating to the Holy Spirit Bruce Chick
2013-06-30MP3  A Person, not an 'It' Bruce Chick
2013-06-23MP3  The Wide-ranging Activity of the Spirit Bruce Chick
2013-06-16MP3  The Acts of the Holy SpiritActs 9:32-43Spencer Vaughn
2013-06-09MP3  The Silent YearsActs 9:20-31Spencer Vaughn
2013-06-02MP3  Saving the EnemyActs 9:1-22Bruce Chick
2013-05-26MP3  Eager to SaveActs 8:26-40Bruce Chick
2013-05-19MP3  Snare of Convenience1 Kings 12:28-29Bruce Chick
2013-05-12MP3  Countefeits for Christ!?Acts 8:9-24Bruce Chick
2013-05-05MP3  Beyond the BarricadeActs 8:4-8Bruce Chick
2013-04-28MP3  Scattered And PlantedActs 8:1-3Bruce Chick
2013-04-21MP3  Last WordsActs 7:1-51Bruce Chick
2013-04-14MP3  A Captured HeartActs 6:8-15Bruce Chick
2013-04-07MP3  Division PreventionActs 6:1-5Bruce Chick
2013-03-31MP3  Easter Service Bruce Chick
2013-03-24MP3  Don't Waste Your Distress1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:1Steve Teter
2013-03-17MP3  Love is a VerbJohn 13:34-35Caleb Robbins
2013-03-10MP3  Objection!!!.... OverruledActs 5:27-42Spencer Vaughn
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