DateDownload FormatTitleScriptureSpeaker
2010-10-17MP3  Bigger than you ThinkJohn 3:16-21Bruce Chick
2010-10-10MP3  When Two Worlds CollideJohn 2:23-3:15Spencer Vaughn
2010-10-03MP3  A New TempleJohn 2:13-22Spencer Vaughn
2010-09-26MP3  A New BeginningJohn 2:1-12Bruce Chick
2010-09-19MP3  Introducing GreatnessJohn 1:35-51Bruce Chick
2010-09-12MP3  Wait No MoreJohn 1:19-34Bruch Chick
2010-09-05MP3  Indispensable RealityJohn 1:1-18Bruce Chick
2010-08-29MP3  Foundations2 Tim 3:16-17Cody Robbins
2010-08-22MP3  Grace to ChangeTitus 2:11-14Bruce Chick
2010-08-15MP3  Grace and Personal ConvictionsCol 2:16-23Bruce Chick
2010-08-08MP3  Grace to ForgiveCol 3:12-13Spencer Vaughn
2010-08-01MP3  The Grace to Receive CorrectionPsalm 141:5Spencer Vaughn
2010-07-25MP3  The Father and His Lost SonsLuke 15:11-32Steve Teter
2010-07-18MP3  Grace to RestoreGal 6:1Spencer Vaughn
2010-07-11MP3  The Ministry of AcceptanceRom 14:1-8Gene Emerson
2010-07-04MP3  Grace to be Approachable Bruce Chick
2010-06-27MP3  Grace to Accept OthersRom 15:5-7Bruce Chick
2010-06-20MP3  God's Quiet SovereigntyJer 18:1-6Bruce Chick
2010-06-13MP3  A Hero's LegacyEst 10:1-3Bruce Chick
2010-06-06MP3  Whose Side Are You OnEst 9:1-18Al Beisser
2010-05-30MP3  Beyond VindicationEst 8:1-17Bruce Chick
2010-05-23MP3  A Demon's ApologeticEph 1:22Bruce Chick
2010-05-16MP3  An Unexpected HangingEst 6:12 - 7:10Bruce Chick
2010-05-09MP3  One Sleepless NightEst 6:1-13Spencer Vaughn
2010-05-02MP3  A Planned HangingEst 5:1-14Bruce Chick
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