DateDownload FormatTitleScriptureSpeaker
2014-08-10MP3  A Fond Farewell to a Crucial ChurchActs 20:25-32Bruce Chick
2014-08-03MP3  Contentment in ChristPhil. 4:10-13Spencer Vaughn
2014-07-27MP3  Jesus, the Hope of the WorldLuke 4:16-21Spencer Vaughn
2014-07-20MP3  Praying in WeaknessLuke 18:1-17Gene Emerson
2014-07-13MP3  Beautiful Gospel FruitActs 20:1-12Bruce Chick
2014-07-06MP3  An Idolatrous RiotActs 19:21-41Bruce Chick
2014-06-29MP3  More than an OutlineActs 19:1-10Bruce Chick
2014-06-22MP3  Gospel GrowthColossians 1Mark Prater
2014-06-15MP3  They're Real; but the Gospel is the FocusActs 19:11-20Bruce Chick
2014-06-08MP3  Ministering to the MinisterActs 18:1-23Bruce Chick
2014-06-01MP3  Sermon on the HillActs 17:14-34Bruce Chick
2014-05-25MP3  The Path of the SpiritActs 17:1-15Bruce Chick
2014-05-18MP3  Loved, to LoveJohn 15:12-17Spencer Vaughn
2014-05-11MP3  Happy Daughters DayColossians 3:12Spencer Vaughn
2014-05-04MP3  Head of HouseDeuteronomy 6:4-9Bruce Chick
2014-04-27MP3  Priority of the HouseHaggai 1:1-11Bruce Chick
2014-04-20MP3  Mary's AnnouncementJohn 20:10-18Bruce Chick
2014-04-13MP3  Victory RideJohn 12:9-19Bruce Chick
2014-04-06MP3  God's Way of ObedienceJonah 3Bruce Chick
2014-03-30MP3  Judicious TalkNumbers 12:1-16Bruce Chick
2014-03-23MP3  Vocation RelocationJeremiah 45:1-5Bruce Chick
2014-03-16MP3  Distracted DevotionHosea 13:1-6Spencer Vaughn
2014-03-09MP3  2nd Not AcceptedMalachi 1:1-14Bruce Chick
2014-03-02MP3  Living By FaithHabakkuk 3:16-19Bruce Chick
2014-02-23MP3  Sacred MarriageMalachi 2:10-16Spencer Vaughn
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